Monday, January 14, 2013


Another chance to do the right thing today... to be the right me...

We still have some snow on the ground, the air is not as cold as it was yesterday, I thought I could drive without scraping the windows...wrong!  I stopped and for some reason I was stubborn still, so I scraped the minimum needed.  Why?  I am not sure.  It wouldn't have taken that much more time or energy to go all the way around, but as I said I was stubborn about it.
As long as I can get my self to stop and do the right thing, I suppose I will not berate myself for not adding "and a Good Morning, to you," after I've said "Thank you."


  Today is Monday and in a few days (Friday to be exact) I will be....Montana bound!


Health remarks:
Nutrition: I've done very well today. 
Physical Activity: Low to Moderate. 
Prayers/Meditation/Affirmation: Good, Positive
Skills/Talents: Business Analyst - Good Work this morning!  Also, there are leads and feelers out, some of which are coming back to get more information from me...a good sign...I believe.
1. In my quest for finding my bliss, last night was difficult - bed time is the trap that's been laid for some reason, and I need to get myself out of it.  When I go to bed I want to fall asleep not allow the warnings and sirens to begin.  I kept them at bay, but with my apnea so bad, each time I awoke, the entire routine needed to be repeated.
2. It's getting a little easier with people in my life, I don't know if they are coming to terms with the way things are or if it is just getting easier to maintain Shalom bayit.  It doesn't matter, it is the peace that is important.
3. Sometimes we must put away childhood things...sigh...maybe I'm just being childish.
4. Luggage for Montana trip should arrive today (have the tickets, the baggage check card, itinerary, and msc.  Now I need to pack...lightly.

Peace Out...


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