Don't know why I had today pegged as the first day of spring this year, but I did. If it isn't the first day then it is the 2nd or 3rd day of spring at least.
HOWEVER, looking at these few pictures that I took this afternoon in my front garden, it does not look very 'spring-y'. The snow is doing well to melt, but the poor daffodils, hyacinths and tulips are green stalks and leaves with ices around. I hope they aren't damaged. I think the crocuses are gone...again...this year. They are fair weather friends, indeed.
I did collect a small amount of the snow (ice pellets), too!
Not sure what for, but who knows when I might need water from the spring snow melt.
I mean for my life; physical and spiritual; my shared connection to all that is and my unique thumbprint on it - to trans...shift...redo/do over...come of enlightened and enlivened in this season and to move on like a snowball (not in the sense that it runs over all, but rather) in the sense that it gets larger, stronger, more of what it is and is supposed to be and can support and be a part of something more.
Some spring-time things to do;
1) Cleaning and clearing.
2) Yard clean up (branches, leaves, flower beds)
3) Family picnic.
4) Egg Hunt.
5) Start seeds indoors (with or without pomp and circumstance).
6) Signs and symbols of fertility, rebirth, resurrection, light; hare, lamb, eggs, green (grass, flowers, trees),
7) Colorful ribbons added to hats, hair, and wreaths.
8) Take a nature walk, see the changes.
9) Citrus fragrances (Lemon, orange) as well as lavender, and hyacinths. Other scents=
10) Rotate tires, oil and filters changed.
11) Taxes (yikes!)
12) Annual physical, spiritual check ups
Peace out.
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