Friday, April 5, 2013

A New Direction

Every time in my life I feel drawn to take up practicing XYZ, my life takes this downward plunge and my confidence disappears. Maybe it's just not for me. Did other people find it hard to get started?

My response is not limited to any single path of life.

I agree, starting new things can be difficult.

In fact, it is a rare thing for me to write on the first page of any book I keep - the first page is so daunting.

I also know what you mean about signs that seem to point out that a thing is not right or is not right at this time

But here's a thought you might choose to think about - sometimes when we are close to a breakthrough we can point to mischief in the universe, or clear indications from other energy, when it is us getting in our own way.  Because, sometimes it is just easier to subconsciously sabotage ourselves than to take on the courage to change.  PLEASE, do not think I mean for a second to discount signs, attitudes, feelings, utz - no.  I think you should take into consideration all knowledge you have when making a decision.  I just recommend caution rather than jumping to an assumption. 

Another thing I've noticed in my life is that the closer I am to something great - the harder it gets.  I have come to look at those obstacles as challenges that are put there to prepare me for the journey when that great thing happens. 

...A thought, personal definitions, and a suggestion or two...

IMO, beliefs are what a person thinks/accepts to be true never mind if it can be proven to the satisfaction and standards of anyone.

Also, IMO, religion is what a person does, how a person lives their live.  A great way to illustrate this is the expression that goes something like - "Jane brushes her teeth after meals, religiously!" 

Ask yourself what do you believe.  What is important to you.  If it helps imagine a birthday party many years in your future where people are asked to go around the room and talk about what they admire most about you.  What would you expect them to say.

OK, now, is that the life you are living?  Are they the examples you set?  What can you do to manifest your beliefs in your day/week/year?

Here is something to try and please exchange my {ritual/practice/exercise} with something you have thought about incorporating in your life, but have not taken the plunge with it.  I include one of mine and if you are interested I can give you the simple details.

Every morning, {do a ritual hand washing first thing when you wake in the morning.  Consecrate your hands for good works and positive creation during your day.}  Do this for a month (what will you loose). 

At the end of the month.  Stop. 

Do you miss it?  Was it meaningful?  If so, then resume the practice.

For me, labels are not important, in fact they often seem to carry a stronger connotation than denotation, regardless of the accuracy of either really.

Anyway, I say that only because it might be the label that causes you to, unknowingly perhaps, derail yourself. Don't worry about putting a name tag on it - it can be nebulous - it is YOUR path, no one has EVER walked it before like you and no one ever will. It's yours, embrace it, be comfortable with it, grow with it. I encourage you to be open and flexible, but take care and be true to yourself. Bottom line is if there is no harm in the intention and no harm in the things you do then you have the freedom to make it happen. If you find others on the same path and share beliefs, perhaps some practices - and if you agree that there is a word or concept that expresses that - then use it. I'm just saying that you don't have to until you are ready or ever.

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