To those of you who celebrate Christmas, I hope your merry making was thoroughly enjoyable. Let me tell you, whoever invented the premixed Kentucky Whiskey Egg Nog...we's got to kick back and chill awhile...that's some good stuff there! You don't even have to like egg nog, 'cause I'm not certain there is any egg or nog involved. A good 1-2 oz of that stuff will make your spirits bright...I doubled that and it was good - especially with my favorite Christmas cookies - my mom's spritz (I call them butter cookies)...delish!
Remember, also, there are still several days left! It is 12 days long, culminating on the Feast of the Epiphany (when the Magi brought the gifts)...Yay!
I send prayers of peace, strength, and love to those who find it difficult to celebrate - I know the feeling, but even in the midst of physical disaster, emotional turmoil, my prayer for you is also one of hope. I hope you can find a light deep inside to show you what is important in your life and fill it. What's important is different for us all, but I hope y'all find it.
For those who do not celebrate Christmas, but have had or are having other celebrations I wish you much joy in them, may love surround you.
For those who do not celebrate this time of year, I hope you at least celebrate life and are filled with warm fuzzies. Enjoy your moments.
It is the first Christmas for Pootie, Pookie, and Precious...And the tenth for my grandprincess...sigh...
I went to the DAR Christmas luncheon where we shared a Christmas memory, I shared this one:
My parents had 6 children and my Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Dick had 5. So, together we were a party, and we spent several holidays together. One particular Christmas we were over at my Aunt's. They lived on a steep hill and it was snowy and icy, so we of course went sledding down it (I still have that sled, too, though it needs a bit of work). Anyway, this is a neighborhood, like folks used to grow up in, there were cars parked on the street and like I said it was steep. So, once someone went down the hill they had to stay to be the look out (in case any cars came) until the next one came down, then they could go back up and get in line (yep, draggin' that sorry a#@ sled -not so fun now- up that steep hill). But once up, the drag was forgotten and all focus went to waiting the next turn down.
Of course, now if kids tried that, some neighbor would probably be up in arms at the lack of supervision or the amount of danger. Some counterintuitive among them might even try to call child services. But we were kids being kids playing like kids. I'm glad that I had outdoor kids when they were growing up, and I've been told that there are things I don't want to know...guess I'll have to wait until I stumble on one of their blogs.
This is a picture of my Aunt and my Mom this Christmas day (2012).
My Christmas past, also includes a memory that actually featured this song, and it was beautiful. Still is, because I still have the memory. The excitement of that love I will always carry in my heart. We listened to this song together on a Christmas Morning even though we were not even in the same country! (Merry Christmas Darling - Karen Carpenter)
Christmas Future.
For Christmas future I truly hope that the Age of Aquarius, which began last Friday, is an age of enlightenment, acceptance and brotherhood of man. I'm not so insecure that I need to neuter my language - egalitarian to the end, fear not. (Age of Aquarius + Let the Sunshine - 5th Dimension)
The last may not seem Christmasy, but if the true meaning of Christmas is about light and love, then celebrating the new age is the epitome of Christmas. Let the light shine on us all, all the time. Let our own personal lights guide, and be guided by, each other. May love light up the sky in the darkest of times and wrap its warmth around us always.

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