Monday, December 10, 2012

So Easy to Forget

Remembering is sometimes hard.  We write little notes, tie a string around a finger (I don't think anyone actually does that anymore, but I could be wrong), and still we forget what we want to remember.

I'm not talking about living in the past and remembering an incident.  I'm talking about changes I want to make in my life, new habbits that I want to form, get lost sometimes in the midst of all the distractions of the day.

Creating reminders, setting alarms, having visual images...these are things I am going to focus on this week's walk through life.

Beginning with morning affirmations, prayers, petitions, mantras that help ease out of mind-clutter and into Right Thought.

Red - the color of  - life; blood - spirit; fire

I like the color red.  In fact, right now I'm looking at my coat and scarf (both red) the mornings are beginning to get chilly (17° F), and it reminds me of life and spirit – physical and energy – that of which I exist.

Having a physical activity in plain sight; today is kickboxing or Zumba; I think kickboxing because the class starts earlier, but I may freestyle it and do my own thing.  The important thing is to have something already in front of me that reminds me, prepares me, to engage in something that involves moving myself in a fun and challenging way.  Even dancing, which I enjoy can be challenging.

Other symbols, sights, sounds, tastes, aromas that I can place around me to keep me from falling back into the trap that I lived in for too long – getting lost in the ridiculousness of daily sh..stuff.

Life is temporary, the physical is the source of pain, let it all go, it doesn’t matter.  None of it matters.  I don’t know for certain what DOES matter, but ‘things’ I can’t believe do.  I do not need status, fortune, (I never wanted fame…dodged that bullet), transient distraction and invitations for loss of Right Thought.

That is not to say that I am, or intend to become, a hermit or ascetic monk-ess.  I am of this world and will live in it.  I do not shun the ways and inventions of comfort, entertainment or convenience, but neither do I bow to them. 

Having ‘things’ the worry of not having them THAT is what is NOT important.  I’m a get-by-girl, and that works for me. 

Today, this moment, these needs are provided for abundantly and I am thankful for that.  I am safe, unafraid, positive, and protected from what is negative and petty.

My path lies before me still and I will not over analyze the steps I take, but I will be careful to train retrain myself to be, to exist, to live life and let others live it, without opinion interfering with them or me.  I will allow thoughts to pass through my mind not forbidding or prohibiting the natural flow of things.  I will do what I can physically to enhance the positive energy that surrounds and moves within that natural flow for both myself and for those around me.

Live and let live.



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