My breakfast may be monotonous, and is not perfect, but I haven't found significant problems with it; though I am certainly open to discussion.
Generally, my breakfast consists of:
1 cup of black coffee (or espresso if I feel like watching the pot on the stove)
1 orange
and usually,
1 meal shake because it's quick, it's ready, and while it is processed it is a good source of protein and fiber. No excuse to EVER skip breakfast with these in the fridge!
followed by,
Oatmeal a sprinkle of brown sugar or maple with 2 T. shelled chopped pecans for mid to late morning snack.
But, if I am going to watch the espresso pot, I might as well boil an egg (slap on anchovies) and toast some whole grain bread, right?
* * *
Or, if I'm traveling or out and about for some reason,
The coffee and, if available, an orange are still my breakfast staples. If an orange is not available, I'll go with the orange juice or do without sunshine that morning.
Then in addition, I might...
…splurge on some crispy bacon (though few know how to do this and if I do it myself, I'll make and eat too much), whole grain toast (sour dough if I'm in San Francisco) and a scrambled egg.
…if I am planning on splurging at another meal, then maybe I will have oatmeal, and a glass of skim (or lowest fat) milk.
…if in Scotland this is the most difficult meal of the day for some reason, unless I'm home, so I would order eggs Benedict sans hollandaise sauce and eat 1/2 (I try to order 1/2, but usually that request is met with complete bafflement). So a poached egg and English muffin, but for some reason actually ordering a poached egg and an English muffin might get something unexpected. Ontario, there is this great diner in St. Kits with the best breakfast potatoes. When I asked the waitress who had worked there for years, what was on them (garlic, paprika, salt, what else?) she told me the cook wouldn't even tell her, they'd just giver her a shaker of it. Only coffee at Tim Horton's...too tempting otherwise.
…feast on scrumptiously creamy scrambled eggs with cheese and chunks of lean tender ham, and biscuits, if my father is anywhere near at hand. Italy, a simple coffee (espresso) and a sweet cookie or small pastry.
…grab and go from a kiosk, a Greek yogurt, and maybe graham crackers, if traveling through an airport/train station, etc. and am literally eating on the run.
* * *
Breakfast for dinner...
Now that is not to say that I don’t enjoy pancakes with boysenberry syrup, sausage, grits, hash browns, omelets or waffles, because I do, but I rarely…and I do mean rarely eat them, and even more rarely do I eat them for breakfast (oh, an omelet stuffed with cheese tomatoes and ham from room service when staying at a posh hotel, but how often is that, right?) But if I’m having breakfast for an early dinner and I go to a place that offers breakfast at all hours, then I may go with a short stack, links and boysenberry, but not usually in the morning. I can’t even remember the last time I ate something like this for a breakfast, unless it was a first Sunday KOC thing, and then it is more like brunch.
* * *
Special mornings…
There are certain holidays or special days where specific foods for breakfasts have become tradition;
Biscuits and Sausage-Gravy + Sticky pecan rolls + egg, cheese, sausage, hash brown casserole + latkes + sausage + crispy bacon + along with cocoa, grape, orange and cranberry juices, Mimosa (orange juice & champagne) + coffee with Irish Cream (not to be confused with Irish Coffee… a completely different drink that I only trust a veteran bartender to make correctly) .
* * *
OK, that covers the food portion of breakfast. Now, what about breakfast time?
Depending on where I am, and with whom I am, breakfast may unfold differently. The actual breakfast time is loosely defined. Some is after or during the breakfast meal, some before it.
When I am alone, or the first one up, I like it to be a time that is savored. After I eat, I like to take a walk, on the wharf, near the sea, down a new street, in a park, around the campgrounds, around the block, or sit in the sun-ish and read.
Sometimes it turns out to be the best time to discuss various plans and activities for the day or coming days, I prefer it to be kept light and tentative, unless tickets need to be booked - I'm flexible.
Unfortunately there are times when it just happens in the middle of something else, between flight legs, or on a drive, etc. in that case I just go with it and hopefully take in something of the surroundings to enjoy even if it is only while moving past them.
Taking time to start the day intentionally, in my opinion is what is most important about breakfast time. It just doesn't feel right when I stumble or fall into it. Those kinds of days are just a waist of make-up!
OK, so how do I go about beginning a day with intent?
It starts before eating, but continues during the meal and afterwards.
I say, "Thank you," I appreciate the chance to find the reason for this new day, followed by affirmations; good positive words that set my mind in a relaxed and confident place.
Sun Salutation (morning sequence of asanas), oh, and I would like to learn tai chi!
Getting physically ready for the day; enjoying a shower (even a short one) as a form of meditative relaxation (this is great after an exercise class and before bed, too) as well as a cleansing of the body (and mind). I release any tensions that I might not even be aware of by taking inventory of my neck, shoulders, etc. tense and release, massage with lathered soap and relax. This can continue with lotion after the shower, also. Sometimes there is something niggling at me, and it causes stress, but I'm not even consciously aware of it, so going through these types of exercises help identify and resolve issues.
Taking care in how I dress and prepare myself for the day - for what the day calls for; casual, business, dressy, festive, fun - but in MY style. I do not try to look like someone else.
I'll skip hair, make-up and other accoutrements for now. That's a whole conversation I need to have with myself.
Saying "Good Morning" to those around me, I've seen people, families even, who walk by each other in the morning with absolutely no acknowledgement...if it works for them great, but I say, "Good Morning."
Also I say, "Good Morning" to myself. I look in the mirror, this was not an easy thing to start, but it was important for me to unblock this. To look at myself and see who I am, and to let, who I know is inside, come to the surface so that others can interact with who I really am, not just what they see. Also, for me to be comfortable with how I look, because at this time, this body, this face, is a part of who I am - it's not all of it, or even most of it - but it is a part, a big part of me. I say, "You are the most beautiful you there is!" 10, 20, 100 times, whatever it takes.
Look around, to get my bearings, did I leave something out last night that I need to do something with? I don't like to forget things or lose things - so I don't and it helps if I take a look around to see where I am and what I'm doing or what I've done. Sometimes I will ask myself if I enjoy my surroundings. If not, why? Can I make changes? If so, do it. If not, what can I do to learn to accept that they are what they are?
Spend some time, if needed, clearing my mind and setting my to do list - what are the 5 most important things to do that day? Today, my list reads; 1) Work, 2) Exercise class, 3) Take picture of flowers and send to Kristen, 4) Sort wreath, 5) Write in my journal. OK, now I have my 5 things I want to accomplish, I can clear my head of everything else. I do not need to hold onto anything else. If a thought comes to mind that does need attention, I can add it to the list or just make a note that a phone call needs to be made on x date, or whatever it is.
The day has begun and I choose to be a part of it. I will do my best to be my best.
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