…hmmm… how would I introduce myself…
Hello, I am…
Well, I am not a label or set of labels and am more than the sum of my parts, I hope, because I connect with what is around me, but definitely not manipulatively.
This may be an odd way to tell others about one’s self, but telling you that I am a…(fill in the blank), or I …(fill in the blank), will tell you things that may or may not be accurate about me. Your connotation of a label and mine may be different, and both may differ from the actual denotation of the labels themselves. I know, clear as mud, right?
I walk a personal path which on occasion I’ve shared with others who happen to be on the same trail at the same time…no expectations, no dependencies, no worries, some sad partings, but without dwelling on them became fond memories.
My children describe me as a hippy and when I look at them quizzically, they are quick to add, “But I tell my friends you’re the good kind.” Ok, you figure that out.
Oh, one thing I suppose I could say that would not be easily misconstrued is that I have a thirst for learning.
I am me…have a cup of your favorite beverage, sit by the fire and let’s chat, or watch the sunrise without a word, enjoy the aroma of the pine trees while we hike through the mountains, groove to the tunes that come from anywhere, walk along the sea shore and feel the sand beneath our toes and the waves lap at our ankles, offer a helping hand where it’s needed together, or just smile and wave from a distance.
Daughter... of Robert and Marjorie
Mother of 5 (3 daughters & 2 sons)
Nini of 4 (3 grand princesses & 1 grand prince)
The cycle of life...within it...still...I am.
I like to read; thirst to learn, and understand that the more I do learn, the less I know.
I like that we are all different, who would reallly want to live a cardboard cookie-cutter existence in which we all look and sound alike, share the same thoughts and ideas...what would we talk about? We'd have written all the same songs, sung them all in the same style, and so on...yes, I'm going to say it, without sadness how would we recognize happiness, without darkness how could we appreciate light?
We need both yin and yang, black (the absence of color) and white (the combination of all colors) and everything in between.
...more later...
Interesting, I enjoy reading what you write.