Monday, December 17, 2012

Good Eating - Orange...

I grew up hearing, "...a day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine..." and believe it or not, the choice is yours, but it wasn't unheard of for my father to wake me up with a glass of orange juice in his hand.

Yep, I have been drinking orange juice every morning since...the crooner lounged in a hammock.  It was tasty, sweet and tart, a great kick-start to the day.

A daily dose of Vitamin C, we were told, would help ward off colds and such, was an antioxidant, and helps fight infections.  It was good stuff, I didn't need convincing, the color and taste alone were enough.

Well, a few weeks ago, I stopped drinking orange juice.  I never thought I'd see the day, but it's cool.  And not to panic, I did not give up on oranges completely I just traded orange juice for oranges.  The hard part about eating fresh is the number of trips to the food market increases, as does the work it takes to consume said freshness, along with the cost, but, in this case, it seems a better substitute to eat an orange and avoid all the processed, chemicals and sugars that are added.

So, I made an actual switcher-oo, and it requires more work, time and money, but not THAT much more and I think there will be benefits to this modification.

Oranges are good eating!


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