Saturday, January 12, 2013

Birthday Boots, and other musings

January 15 will be the first anniversary of the birth of two darling grandprincesses, fondly known as Hootie and Kazoo.  Their parents had a small party for them today.  One of the gifts they were given was a pair of boots...first the silver sequened boots came out and Silv seemed to like those, she reached out for them, held them, moved them around, and gave them her attention for some time.  Guin looked at them, but didn't seem too interested.  Then, after several minutes, the pink sequened boots came out and Sylv barely gave them a glance, but Guin went after them like gang busters and seemed so excited.  When they were put on her she pulled herself up to stand and then (holding on to her Aunt Ea's fingers) she lifted and stomped her be-sequened feet; they seemed to be her dancing boots!  So adorable, such a wonderful moment.  They each displayed their own unique taste... at such a tender age...they are each their own person.

I collect odd things.  'eclectic' let's say, it sounds nicer...hmm?  Sometimes a moment in time, a photograph, a stone or a seed pod catches my eye, a flower petal falls, a piece of wrapping paper, small insignificant things that carry a moment's memory, the energy of an instant - becomes part of my collection.  It is not a displayable collection, and it isn't all hidden, but is in varying states of existence.  They each remind me of something different .

I collect books, pins, tea pots, not for rarity or investment purposes, but because I enjoy them.  I also like dragonflies, (the odd hawk or wolf treasure), damselflies and faeries, too.  I don't seek them out (well, other than the books), but are remnants, gifts, things that have caught my eye or otherwise crossed my path.

f g h e f g h e f g h e

It snowed today.  The air became cold (very cold), and a wet and beautiful snow - heavily, but not for long.  The city turned out with a preemptive strike this morning - treating the streets - well done!

This morning I went to a DAR meeting with my Aunt and it was chilly, buy my wrap was all I needed.  This afternoon though it was colder, the wind was more brisk and the snow wet.  This evening, leaving the grandprincesses' first birthday party it was downright frigid - to the bone cold.

f g h e f g h e f g h e

I didn't sleep well last night - apnea is worse, I stop breathing even when I'm awake.

I dreamed, but it was too real and mundane apparently, because it didn't keep my attention.

Exercise: little to none
Diet: I didn't get any coffee today, with sleep issues and the morning DAR meeting, it just didn't happen.  I thought about stopping at a drive-through for a coffee, but the line at the first one was too long, so I went to the meeting.  After the meeting I did go to a diner for my egg, raisin toast, bacon, grits, oj, and milk.  I had a couple slices of pizza at the girl's party - and that's my intake for the day.  Oh and I had a tiny piece of cake (no icing).
Prayers/Mantras/Affirmations: Moda Ani, Today is the Day, Thank you.
Spiritual: Today I add an oak burr that caught my eye after the DAR meeting and two 1st birthday candles (G & S), one pink and one yellow, to my collection of moments and memories of innocence, growth, strength and endurance.
Outward Look: Pretty good...yes, pretty good.

Peace out...


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