Thursday, December 20, 2012

12 - 21 - 2012

Tomorrow is the day that many have predicted as the end of the world, the beginning of the apocolypse, because of various things...the Mayan calandar, astrolgical signs, and other things, none of which I know or really care to know much about.

But as I was thinking about this (after hearing it mentioned in the news, yet again), I decided to reach out to my friends and family on social media:

Ok...just spit-balling here, but...y'know what?

Fuhgeddabout the Mayan-end-of-the-world deal-io.

I propose and end of the world as we know it! Starting tomorrow, I dare you to end the violence (in actions, words, and thoughts), bigotry, hatred, expectations, feelings of entitlement, looking for (because you will find) reasons to be offended. You only have YOU to count on or to blame – if y...ou don’t get out of this world what you put into it, you can take that up with a higher consciousness when you’ve finished with this life. But for now, you’re in it, step up to the plate and even if you strike out, do it swinging with all you have!

I propose that starting TOMORROW; we turn this world into a positive, peaceful, loving, forgiving place. Think about the people around you, open or hold a door for someone, leave a random “have a nice day” note on someone’s car window, pay for someone’s meal in a restaurant/dinner if you can afford to, say “Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening” and “Hi” to people regardless of whether you know them or not, and wave as you pass folks…ALL of them! If you've ever done anything for anyone, stop waiting for them to pay you back, and instead trust that it taught them to do something to help someone else.

No matter where you are or where you go, starting tomorrow, just imagine the light and positive energy that can radiate from the synergy of our love banding together – heart to heart.

Who’s with me?

The gestalt is now, man, and it is far out!

Maybe love beads, flowers in the hair and those furry feet stickers will make a come back...reminders, to keep on truckin', love one another, and share.

Peace out...

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