Saturday, December 22, 2012

Really...the issue can't stand on it's own, bring in the actors?

My hope for us all today, is (as usual) for cool heads and warm hearts. 

But also, I hope for well considered thought before jumping on any bandwagons (yes even the one driven by my love-mobile).  

Please do not confuse your moment of entertainment at the hands of one of your favorite actors and such, with people of knowledge and authority (didn’t we learn that lesson with the “I’m not a real doctor, I just play one on T.V., but…?”).

 Sometimes, heartbreaking rotten stuff happens, let’s look deeper.   I hope for acceptance of all, and for awareness, not knee-jerking reactions to tragic happenings.

If there is one issue that, in my opinion, should be at the top of our “Talking Points” list because of recent events; if there is one issue that we should DEMAND of our elected officials to look into and create a plan for – that issue, in this writers opinion, should be mental health. 

 De-stigmatize mental health issues so people don’t feel the need to fear and hide, but can be open and feel supported.  Why would someone feel less inclined to give help or send good wishes to someone whose child battles any depression bi-polar paranoia schizophrenia delusional mental process, than one who battles cancer? 

 Why, why, why in the name of all that means anything to anyone can we not provide mental health care for those who suffer from things people still won’t talk about?  Shake your head, roll your eyes, if you choose, but what good is that doing?  Can’t you even discuss it?

 I will mention teens and young adults specifically because of two recent incidents, but there are many other examples of violence at the hand of mental illness.  There are others who have not committed crimes (some require a ‘yet’ at the end of that clause), but who still suffer, and should receive treatment, not only for their illnesses, chemical imbalances and synaptic misfiring, but as a whole person and for the family, as well!  Where’s the Ronald McDonald House located in psychiatric hospitals?

 Forgive me if you can, or don’t, that’s up to you, but I will NOT be participating, promoting or in any other manner engaging in any discussions regarding gun control, especially when there are much more tragic things we should be talking about.

Respect for the human person – entire acceptance, please, start talking about something that might actually help in coming days, years, generations.

Peace out with light and love,
Brightest blessings,

~LM remember your manners…

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