Sunday, December 16, 2012

Turbo Kick

I soooooo enjoyed this class! It's kickboxing and it is a heck of a workout, but it is so much fun. I am still not able to keep up with all that is going on, and I'm not afraid to modify.

The important thing about exercise, for me, right now, is just DOing it. Getting myself up and moving and going farther and longer than I want, but moving all I can.

I have gone to two classes for two weeks and I am doing ok, but I want to do more than ok. So, I'm going to kick it up a notch; I'm going to go to at least two classes and at least one free-form.

Turbo Kick Class - definitely- at least once, maybe twice and skip the boot camp...we'll see.

I have a lot to learn for both of these classes, but they are really great, and I don't feel the least self-conscious that I am not up to the level of most of the class or that I don't know the steps/moves that the instructor calls out.  It will come.  I will learn.


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